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Data Centers

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Get the most advanced IT infrastructure without spending a fortune on hardware. The cost of infrastructure is rising. With the pace at which technology is changing, maintaining an on-site network will only become costlier. Is there a solution? Yes–the cloud. Hosting your infrastructure in the cloud allows you to keep up with changing technology without […]

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What Is Network Backup?

Network Backup is the process of replicating business-critical data to ensure data is always available. Network Backup Definition Network backup is the process of copying all the critical data from all devices, endpoints, and nodes and transmitting it to a backup server. This ensures that the data is secure within a secure storage space. The […]

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On-Premises Data Centers vs. Cloud Computing

What is On-Premises Data Centers vs. Cloud Computing? On-premises data centers, commonly referred to as “on-prem,” allow you to have full control of your infrastructure, while cloud computing is cost-efficient and easy to scale up and down. On-prem and cloud computing defined An on-premises data center is a group of servers that you privately own […]

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