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Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Get the most advanced IT infrastructure without spending a fortune on hardware.

The cost of infrastructure is rising. With the pace at which technology is changing, maintaining an on-site network will only become costlier.

Is there a solution? Yes–the cloud. Hosting your infrastructure in the cloud allows you to keep up with changing technology without massive costs. Contact Sadeem today to learn about our Infrastructure-as-a-Service model.


What is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)?

Right now, you may be housing your network on-site. You purchase all of the equipment for the network, and you have a person or team whose job is to run it. When you choose IaaS, all of this is managed off-site by Sadeem team of experts.


Why use Infrastructure as a Service?

Considering the benefits of hosting your network in the cloud, it’s not surprising that 96% of companies are using the cloud.

Reduced Cost

It can cost businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars in CAPEX to upgrade their infrastructure. In addition, you pay to maintain the equipment, and pay for an IT staff to manage it. With IaaS, you pay a comparatively low monthly fee. And you never need to upgrade infrastructure hardware again.


Before IaaS, scaling infrastructure was costly and time consuming. With IaaS, you only pay for the resources that you’re using. You can scale up or down depending on your company’s needs at any given time. This gives you the freedom to grow without worrying about your network infrastructure.


When your entire network resides on-premises, it could all be lost in a natural disaster. Hosting your infrastructure in the cloud opens the door for disaster recovery. In addition, Sadeem monitors your network 24/7 for viruses and other intrusions.


Hosting your infrastructure in the cloud allows your team to access applications and files from anywhere at any time. IaaS could be a great decision if you want to expand your workforce to include employees working remotely.

Mi-Cloud: Sadeem Cloud Hosting Solution

Infrastructure as a Service is one of the many components of  Sadeem Mi-Cloud. Sadeem customizes cloud services to meet your business’s unique needs. Here are a few of the benefits of choosing Sadeem Mi-Cloud:

  • 24×7 proactive system monitoring, helpdesk, and support
  • Virus protection
  • Secure, remote access
  • Managed firewall and servers
  • Managed security alerts
  • Office backup and disaster recovery
  • Fault tolerance (Second standby server)
  • Strategic planning
  • Vendor management
  • Access to your system while working anywhere
  • Hosting for numerous third-party business-critical applications

Contact United Sadeem to learn more about IaaS.

When it comes to IaaS, Detroit businesses can depend on United Sadeem. If you’re interested in moving your company’s network to the cloud, contact us. We’ll develop a cloud solution that fits your company’s needs.